Joplin Hamfest 2019
Here is a visual look at the 2019 Joplin, Missouri Hamfest! There was a ton of neat stuff for sale and on display here. Furthermore, if you are in the area you might as well stop by the Joplin hamfest.
Here is a visual look at the 2019 Joplin, Missouri Hamfest! There was a ton of neat stuff for sale and on display here. Furthermore, if you are in the area you might as well stop by the Joplin hamfest.
Honey!!! Let’s go to the Joplin Hamfest!!! Nonetheless, we got up early on a Saturday morning and drove two hours for this? YES!!! The Joplin Hamfest is one the more organized hamfest in southwest Missouri. Furthermore I look forward to going to this every year. This year it was held at the Jack Lawton Convention Center just south of Joplin, MO. in a nearby town of Saginaw, MO. New venue, new vendors, new people, new Read More …
The wife and I hopped in the Jeep and headed for the Joplin hamfest. However, the Hamfest that was held on August 26th this year. On the way down we listened to the 7.290 Traffic Net. This was Hurricane Harvey that was hitting Texas. Lots more people here this year than last year! Hung out with W0EBV and had an eyeball QSO! After all that walking around and looking at what Joplin Hamfest had to Read More …