Did a little (POTA) Parks On The Air activation yesterday afternoon on the way back from Caplinger Mills. Had Clifford with us so why not get his first activation out of the way with many more in the future to come.
Stopped at Brush Creek Conservation Area (K-8278) just west of Humansville, MO. This is a 160 acre with hunting and wildlife all around. There is one Small Parking lot on the northwest corner of the property. No overnight or primitive camping is allowed.
I set up the 18 AWG speaker wire antenna to the 24-foot fishing mast. I used the 9:1 UNUN to feed it. The best I could get was a 2.03:1 SWR but the internal tuner in the Xiegu G-90 took care of the rest.
It was a quick activation. We were there for maybe 30 minutes to get a minimum of 10 contacts required. Still amazed that 15 watts through a speaker wire gets out very well.
Thanks to my brother Earl for a bit of talking through the IT side of things. YES, I had to phone a friend.