You don’t see a Texas BugCatcher antenna too often anymore. I acquired this antenna through a musician friend of mine who’s father had become a silent key. I had this antenna sitting around just waiting to be used. Furthermore, I still do a lot of mobile HF and enjoy it immensely when traveling to Colorado and back.
Most Texas BugCatcher antennas were available from GLA Systems as a coil only. In addition, the customer either purchased a whip at the same time as the coil or sourced it elsewhere. The whips were 1/8 IN OR 3/16 IN diameter. Either can be custom cut to desired length when purchased.
The coils came in many different sizes and lengths. Mine is the 680 coil. It is 6-3/8 inches in diameter and 7 inches long. It is also wound with 12 Ga. wire at 4 turns per inch. The 680 coil has a total inductance of approximately 85 microhenrys which will allows me on 80m with a whip length of 61 inches without the use of a capacity hat.
The First Setup
My initial set up is to see if I can get on 80m. 3.813MHz in particularly is where I am shooting for.
Testing conditions is Vise-Grips clamped to a lip mount, clamped to a metal outdoor patio table in the backyard. My overall length of the antenna is 93 inches with mast, coil and whip.
- Tunes up on 3.810 MHz
- No Capacity Hat
- 61 inch Whip with 3/4 inch corona ball
- SWR = 1.1:1
- Tap is 0 turns up from bottom of coil

Second Setup
- Tunes up on 3.820 MHz
- One 20 inch Capacity Hat 14.5 inches above coil
- 61 inch Whip with 3/4 inch corona ball
- SWR = 1.3:1
- Tap is 6 turns up from bottom coil

Third Setup
- Tunes up on 3.813
- One 20 inch Capacity Hat 2.75 inches above the coil
- 61 inch Whip with 3/4 inch corona ball
- SWR = 1.0:1
- Tap is 6 turns up from bottom of coil

Fourth Setup
- Tunes up on 3.811 MHz
- Two 20 inch Capacity Hats 11.75 inches apart
- 61 inch Whip with 3/4 inch corona ball
- SWR = 1.2:1
- Tap is 9 turns up from bottom of coil

My Final Thoughts
In conclusion, the fourth setup used the least amount of the coil. In addition to the two 20 inch capacity hats spaced 11.75 inches apart from each other with a 61 inch Whip with 3/4 inch corona ball gave me the best results that I was looking for. Most bandwidth and a low SWR was my goal. This is all going to change of course when this gets mounted on my mobile.