VHF Contest Time!
This time I kinda stepped up my game. September 2017 VHF contest I ran 7 watts of power into a 3 element yagi antenna. Furthermore, I had some time to somewhat prepare for this one.
- Bumped up my power to 50 watts SSB
- I bought(2 days before contest time) a 6m 3 element yagi (never did get it tuned up in time for the contest).
- Bought a 30-foot push-up pole because height is everything in VHF.
- Planned out a route to rove through EM37, EM38, EM27, EM28.
Well, 2 out of 4 ain’t too bad!
We got set up at EM28 and had so much fun operating that we just stayed there.

N0RVS’s Contest Summary Report for VHF
Created by N3FJP’s VHF Contest Log
Version 5.7 www.n3fjp.com
Total Contacts = 8
Total Points = 56
Operating Period: 2018/01/20 19:34 – 2018/01/20 21:55
Total op time (breaks > 30 min deducted): 0:24:55
Total op time (breaks > 60 min deducted): 0:24:55
Avg Qs/Hr (breaks > 30 min deducted): 19.3
Total Contacts by Band and Mode:
Band CW Phone Dig Total %
—- — —– — —– —
2 0 8 0 8 100
— —– — —– —
Total 0 8 0 8 100
Total Contacts by Grid:
Grid Total %
——— —– —
EM17 2 25
EM27 1 13
EM28 1 13
EM29 1 13
EM48 1 13
EN10 1 13
EN30 1 13
Total = 7 Grids & 8 Total Contacts
Furthermore, I am thinking about adding another band(432MHz and possibly 6m) for more multipliers for the next one…
de N0RVS