I didn’t prepare much for Septembers VHF contest. I threw together a 6m dipole and I already had a 3el 2m beam that I hadn’t used much yet! So that was my total preparation. My wife had some family property that was only a few minutes away from our QTH that was at a higher elevation than we were at home. So that is where we found ourselves with the Jeep and the rooftop camper.
I only had radio capabilities on 6m and 2m this year. Although we had a ton of fun we learned a lot for our next VHF contest!
Used the ICOM 706 for 2m ssb and the Yeasu FT-2900 for FM. We heard several stations in Oklahoma and even made a contact to EM19 in Saint Marys, Kansas to WQ0P and one more contact to EM49 near Bowling Green, Missouri. Both contacts were 120+ miles away. Not too bad for only doing 8 watts on ssb.
This contest only aroused my appetite for doing more VHF contesting. Looking forward to January’s VHF contest.