From time to time, I like to reflect on where I’ve been with my Ham radios. Here are some pictures from 2016 until now of some of my activations. None of them are NPOTA (National Parks On The Air) and none of them are SOTA (Summits On The Air). They are just plain old QSO’s and to keep in touch with my friends in Missouri & Tennessee when I’m traveling.
Lost Dutchman’s State Park – Arizona
Lost Dutchman’s State Park – Arizona – working on 20m
Holbrook, Arizona working on 20m
Morman Lake, Arizona at the Overland Expo working on 20m with one end draped over the rooftop tent.
Enders, Nebraska – working 80m on a dipole
Canon City, Colorado – working 40m on a dipole.
Enders, Nebraska – working 80m on a dipole
2017 Summer Field Day – Eldorado Spring, Missouri
2017 Summer Field Day – Eldorado Spring, Missouri
4th of July 2017 at the home QTH

Portable in the back yard.
Clear Lake, Iowa
2017 Winter Field Day – Missouri

2017 Winter Field Day breakfast- Missouri